Monday, June 15, 2009

The final week

I have been on holidays for the past week and am now enjoying the final 7 days.

In addition to going to Kingston last week, I have been busy with the yard work and just hanging out in the back yard, side yard and front yard.

A couple of pictures of the yard:

The sheds finally come down

The sheds should be down and to the land fill this week. After starting this project last fall, it's great to see that a completion is about to happen.

There could be one minor consideration. The power to the barn ran through one of these sheds. I hope I can bury the connection in some kind of watertight apparatus.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Kingston, Ontario

Old city hall in Kingston. The style is very much similar to that of Kitchener's old city hall. It even has a market in the back.