Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Chineese Lanterns

The magic of the lanterns in the botanical gardens in Montreal.
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Botanical Gardens

Again this year we visited the Botanical Gardens in Montreal. Again we were fascinated by the beautiful displays of flowers and the stunning themes. This year we took in the Chinese Lantern displays both during the day and then went back to visit in the evening. They were incredible. But there were lots of people to see the lantern display and it was a bit hard to maneuver around.
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Atwater Market

The sights of the Atwater Market in Montreal.

This market is one of the best markets I have experienced. The fruits, vegetable, flowers and meats are all set out to enhance their appearance.
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Friday, September 18, 2009

Art at the park

I was very amused today when I walked my daily walk in the park. I came across a very obvious crash to the earth of a, what appears as debris from space. I include a picture.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Russian Sunflower

This picture was taken last week and shows that the Russian Sunflower is about 2 feet taller than me. I stand 5'10".

The garden is a big success this year with lots of tomatoes, peppers and other veggies.
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